Pass4surekey is providing the best products that are important for the candidates in the exams. We provide quality content. Our customers are benefiting from this by buying the product. Our products are designed by certified experts thatis useful to you. Our customers are benefiting from it without any difficulty. If you use any product, use it with a free demo so that you can evaluate the quality of the relevant product. Pass4surekey is offering you a free demo. We are bound to back your money in any complaint. If you use our products you can easily succeed in the first attempt. We work for your success. We guarantee a money back if you fail after using our products.

We are not obliged to ask any questions about your complaints but we are obliged to give you money back. We strive to serve our loyal customers and provide them with quality content. Pass4surekey is known in the market for its products.

Obviously will not be responsible for the mistakes of the candidate .Therefore, we are sharing the general instructions of Pass4surekey with our customers. We cannot be held responsible if the candidate did not attempt the paper and he blamed the products of Pass4surekey . We do not compromise on quality. Many of our customers are taking advantage of the products and we provide them with the best content and we strive for their success.

Payment Refund Procedure

The process of refunding what you pay for our products is very easy. We share with you all the instructions that you can read here. We need:

1) A scanned copy of the "Enrollment Slip" in the Certification Exam because we need to know when you entered the exam or not.
2) A scanned copy of your result card or scorecard.
3) The order number of the product purchased from us.
4) Your name and payment method.
5) This is our email address for a refund
sales@Pass4surekey .com

Your funds will be paid or you will be provided with a new product that can help you succeed in the exams. It depends on your choice of what you do. We are committed to refund you within seven business days.